Take Good Care of Yourself!

September and October are busy months! Many organizations set these months aside to bring awareness to certain illnesses or conditions.

Health screenings are an effective way to detect possible health problems early – even before symptoms are felt.

Physicians rely on these tests to provide information about a patient’s overall health and identify issues that may need to be treated. To help patients maintain the best possible health, physicians recommend regular screenings.

When meeting with your physician, they will go over your medical history as well as that of your immediate family. Your medical history will help guide them in selecting the screenings they recommend for you and in so doing, they can help detect and manage diseases early for the best outcomes.

Health screenings after age 65 

Many tests that were optional earlier become recommended by age 65 and are more readily covered by Medicare and insurance companies. These tests are very important to evaluating your overall health and staying healthy after age 65.

These are the most frequently recommended tests after age 65:

  • Blood Work -multiple tests
  • Colonoscopy/ Colorectal Cancer Screening – may be needed based on medical history and to establish a baseline
  • Shingles Vaccine – 2 doses, six months apart
  • Flu Vaccine: annually after age 65
  • Prostate Exam – annually
  • Mammogram – every other year or as often as indicated by medical history
  • Pelvic Exam – annually
  • Height and Weight: although this is a screening performed every year, loss in height, weight gain or loss could be signs of medical issues 
  • Fall Prevention Screening: questions about your overall health and if you’ve had previous falls or problems with balance, standing, and/or walking. Assessment tools test your strength, balance, and gait
  • Depression Screening: mental health assessment 
  • Osteoporosis Screening: varies between 1 and 15-years depending on prior screening results
  • Cervical Cancer Screening: every other year, more frequently if indicated by your medical history